Rocky Mountain Oyster – Is it Worth Eating?

Rocky Mountain Oyster – Is it Worth Eating?

Rocky Mountain Oyster – Is it Worth Eating? Image Courtesy – Roadfood

The word Rocky Mountain Oyster may make you think, “Oh my goodness! I love oysters!” However, before you make this preparation you need to know that Rocky Mountain Oysters are not oysters or shellfish. They are animal testicles, and most usually come from bulls, bison, pigs, and sheep. That’s a nut, right?

Therefore, what you are eating is a deep-fried bull testicle. Now to take a moment to digest, and then ask yourself how you got here. Why do these things exist? Why do people eat them? What do Rocky Mountain Oysters taste like? Consider yourself fortunate because I will talk over these things with you!

What are Rocky Mountain Oysters?

Rocky mountain oysters or cowboy oysters, whatever you call them, the technical term are testicles.  Like other organ meats, balls might be prepared in a variety of ways – deep-fried whole, cut into broad and thin slices, or marinated. This is a mainstream dish in the American West and Western Canada. They are really REALLY good!

What does Rocky Mountain Oysters taste like?

Unlike what you are imagining, these are amazingly spicy and firmer in texture. They are often compared to a taste of chicken. It is slightly chewy too.

Read: How to Prepare Delicious German Beef Rouladen

What are its nutrition and health Facts?

  • These organs are so plentiful in nutrients, minerals, and protein. Ancient Romans assumed that consuming the most fertile of animal organs would cure sicknesses.
  • Unlike the skin of a bull, the testicles comprise way more protein. Devouring this food will help you to get fit.
  • Rocky Mountain Oysters are rich in Vitamin A, B2, D, E, and K. These essentials will make your body fit and functioning normally.
  • Unlike the main meat of a bull, Rocky Mountain Oysters encompass a higher amount of iron that is vital for development and growth. This mineral will lead to anemia and other deadly illnesses. So how about a fried Rocky Mountain Oysters with fresh ginger juice?

Now that we know bull’s testicles are rich in vitamins and minerals, consuming this will lead to boost up body metabolism that powerfully maximizes your energy.

What are other facts aboutRocky Mountain Oyster?

There are several other facts about Rocky Mountain Oysters that you perhaps have not heard of, such as:

In Oklahoma and North Texas, they are every so often named calf fries but only it is taken from much undeveloped bulls. This is at times mixed up with lamb fries or animelles (lamb balls), which are served in a way like Rocky Mountain Oysters. This dish is most commonly found served at fiestas. The testicles are generally peeled, covered in flour, pepper, and salt, and then deep-fried.  They are normally served topped with hot sauce.

Rocky Mountain Oysters Recipe:

It’s honestly not that tough to prepare this for your friends and family.

Preparation Time: 90 Minute

Cook Time: 20 Minute

Total Time: 110 Minute


Serves 4-6

  • 2lbs bull testicles (calf, lamb, sheep, or turkey testicles can also be used)
  • 2tablespoons salt
  • 1tablespoon vinegar
  • 1cup flour
  • 1⁄4 cup cornmeal
  • 1cup red wine
  • salt
  • pepper
  • garlic powder
  • bottled hot sauce
  • cooking oilor fat (for frying)


  • Split the hard skin-like muscle that surrounds each “shellfish” (use a sharp blade). You can also remove the skin simply if the meat is frozen and then peeled while melting.
  • Soak in a dish of saltwater for one hour minutes; drain.
  • Transfer to a big pot and add sufficient water to float the meat.
  • Add the vinegar to the container.
  • Parboil, drain, and rinse.
  • Let cool and cut each oyster into 1/4 inch thick ovals.
  • Scatter salt and pepper on both sides of the sliced oyster to taste.
  • Now, combine flour, cornmeal, and some garlic dust to taste.
  • Roll each slice into a flour mixture.
  • Dip into milk.
  • Roll again into the flour mixture.
  • Dip into wine.
  • Repeat the procedure for a thicker coating.
  • Fry in hot oil or fat prepared with the packaged hot sauce to taste (be cautious, it will sizzle when you add the hot sauce); fry until brilliant earthy colored.
  • Drain on paper towels.
  • Serve with cocktail sauce if desired.

Final Takeaway,

Certain things are just odd and strange, just like how people can serve and eat Rocky Mountain Oysters. These bull’s testicles are not just ausualinteresting food but also contain anunexpected amount of nutrition to keep your body system in shape and fit.

Well, if you are an exotic food devotee, I highly recommend you try tasting this specific sort of meat. It’s not looking at a bull’s testicles. Don’t worry; they don’t taste anything unpleasant if that is the thing that keeping you back!

After tasting Rocky Mountain Oyster, hopefully, you can voice your friends about it. You might get pleasedwith it if you are anenthusiast of fried foods. Start now and try for yourself!

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